Blu-ray Releases 01/08/2019

Here are the notable Blu-rays coming out tomorrow:

Image result for hell fest poster

Hell Fest

It’s a shame they’re not using this artwork for the Blu-ray release, as it’s MUCH better than what they’ve actually settled on.

Special features include:
*a making-of featurette
*theatrical trailer

The special features are pretty minimal, but this is still a recommended grab, especially if you haven’t seen the film yet. The film is a nice return to form for slashers, including frustrating teen choices, and features a stronger Halloween aesthetic than many of the classic holiday favorites. It’s one I’ll be re-watching each year.

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Castle Rock Season 1

Special features include:
*2 new featurettes, one of which focuses on how the show tackled merging the styles of Stephen King and J.J. Abrams
*An “inside” (whatever that means, probably behind-the-scenes) of each episode of the season

I slacked on watching Castle Rock for a while, because I was absolutely certain that it wouldn’t live up to the devoted time I’d already spent in King’s universe via my own imagination. To some degree, it did, but it’s a shame that it took the majority of the season to get there. I’d originally said when finishing it that the opening of the season was so slow I wasn’t sure I’d ever want to slog through it again, even for a pretty wonderful ending. I stand by that and unfortunately these special features aren’t enough to convince me to pick it up and delve back in.

Image result for the purge season 1 blu ray cover

The Purge Season 1

Special Features include:
*Deleted Scenes
*A Conversation with Cast and Crew
*Anatomy of a Scene
*Costumes and Props
*Table read

I never got around to seeing this show while it was on due to a lack of cable. I’m not a massive fan of The Purge film series, but I like them well enough to give this a shot. The special features aren’t spectacular, but considering that it could have been (and I expected it to be) a featureless release, I’ll definitely be picking this up and giving it a watch.


Special Features include:
* 8MM In 35MM – An Interview With Producer/Director Joel Schumacher
* Audio Commentary With Producer/Director Joel Schumacher
* Vintage Behind The Scenes Featurette
* Theatrical Trailer
* TV Spots
* Still Gallery

I’m saddened to say that I’ve never seen this film. I’m a big fan of Nicolas Cage in a non-ironic kind of way and this release couldn’t come at a better time than hot on the heels of last year’s “Mandy”. Sadly, the special features are pretty lackluster and my experience with Shout! Factory over the past year has not been a positive one. I’ll check out the release, but I’m holding off for the foreseeable future.

Image result for let the corpses tan

Let the Corpses Tan

Special Features include:
*Audio Commentary by film critic Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Queensland Film Festival Director John Edmond

A film I hadn’t heard of until recently, “Let the Corpses Tan” comes via experimental Belgian filmmakers Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani, who previously attained notice with their giallo-inspired films “Amer” and “The Strange Color of your Body’s Tears”, which I haven’t seen but have heard quite a bit about. This time, however, the duo tackle the spaghetti western in a film based off of a classic pulp novel about a group of bandits holed up with an artist and her crew while fighting off two cops in an endless firefight. Westerns happen to be my second favorite genre, so while this is technically only a thriller (and possibly loosely, at that) I felt that it fit in with the other mentions given the duo’s previous directorial efforts and their sense of hyper-stylized violence. Needless to say, I’ll be picking this one up.

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