Episode 10 – Gaspar Noe’s Climax

Episode 10 – Climax

We are back this week with Climax, the new Gaspar Noe film out in theaters NOW! Following a dance troupe whose sangria bowl gets spiked with LSD, the film follows as the dancers each crumble inside of their own highs (and heads) and quickly turn on each other, resulting in a violent and chaotic third act. We were able to grab a Blu-ray copy of this film from the UK before it released, so we got a chance to listen to Noe’s commentary track about the film before we recorded this episode. We wanted to make sure that we were as informed as we could be about this film before we sat down to discuss it. We’re glad we did. There’s a lot to unpack here.

In this episode we talk about Gaspar Noe films as a whole and we dig into how drugs are depicted in the film and what that meant to each of us. We talk about the latest music we’ve been listening to, finish up our discussion of The Umbrella Academy, and talk about the swell of new horror trailers released in the past couple days. Sam and I couldn’t stop arguing about the film, so we recorded the episode in several heated sessions. Needless to say, it’s the most interesting and in-depth episode we’ve ever had. We’re extremely proud to share it with you this week, and we hope that you’re able to get out and see Climax in a theater near you. Enjoy!

PSA: Please, please, please leave us a review on iTunes and follow us on Spotify. These two things do more than you can imagine to help us expand this show and keep growing. If you leave us a review on iTunes, we’ll send you out a couple TerrifiedTalkerPodcast stickers to slap on anything you want! We hate to brag, but our skeletons look pretty damn good.

If you see Climax this weekend, or if you’re visiting our great state of Ohio for the HorrorHound convention this weekend, shoot us a message and let us know how it is and what you thought!

Sam – @samgetsscared
Zac – @terrifiedtypist

Sam – @samgetsscared
Zac – @terrifiedtalker

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